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    A two-week program where you work out your abs and shoulders.

     Here is a sample two-week program for abs and shoulder exercises:

    Week 1:


    3 sets of 20 crunches

    3 sets of 15 bicycle crunches

    3 sets of 20 reverse crunches

    3 sets of 20 leg raises

    3 sets of 15 side plank dips (each side)


    3 sets of 15 shoulder presses

    3 sets of 12 front raises

    3 sets of 12 side raises

    3 sets of 15 bent over lateral raises

    3 sets of 20 shoulder shrugs

    Wednesday: Rest day


    3 sets of 20 crunches

    3 sets of 15 bicycle crunches

    3 sets of 20 reverse crunches

    3 sets of 20 leg raises

    3 sets of 15 side plank dips (each side)


    3 sets of 15 shoulder presses

    3 sets of 12 front raises

    3 sets of 12 side raises

    3 sets of 15 bent over lateral raises

    3 sets of 20 shoulder shrugs

    Saturday: Rest day

    Sunday: Rest day

    Week 2:


    3 sets of 25 crunches

    3 sets of 20 bicycle crunches

    3 sets of 25 reverse crunches

    3 sets of 25 leg raises

    3 sets of 20 side plank dips (each side)


    3 sets of 20 shoulder presses

    3 sets of 15 front raises

    3 sets of 15 side raises

    3 sets of 20 bent over lateral raises

    3 sets of 25 shoulder shrugs

    Wednesday: Rest day


    3 sets of 25 crunches

    3 sets of 20 bicycle crunches

    3 sets of 25 reverse crunches

    3 sets of 25 leg raises

    3 sets of 20 side plank dips (each side)


    3 sets of 20 shoulder presses

    3 sets of 15 front raises

    3 sets of 15 side raises

    3 sets of 20 bent over lateral raises

    3 sets of 25 shoulder shrugs

    Saturday: Rest day

    Sunday: Rest day

    Note: This is just a sample program and can be adjusted based on your fitness level and goals. It is important to warm up before starting any exercise and to listen to your body, making modifications as needed. Make sure to also consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise regimen.

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