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    a collection of sites with many non-copyright photos

     There are several websites that offer a large selection of non-copyright photos that can be used for personal or commercial use without the need to purchase a license or attribute the photographer. Some popular websites include:

    Unsplash: Offers a vast collection of high-quality, royalty-free photos that can be used for any purpose.

    Pexels: A similar website to Unsplash, offering a large selection of photos that can be used for free.

    Pixabay: Offers a large selection of photos, vectors, and illustrations that are free to use without attribution.

    StockSnap: A website that curates a collection of high-quality, free stock photos with new photos added every week.

    It's important to review the terms and conditions of each website to ensure that the photos can be used for your specific purpose, as some websites may have restrictions on the use of their photos.

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